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  • 学生们加入福斯特校长的工作小组,扭转种族主义


  • Turning the Corner on Racism

    Turning the Corner on Racism.

Presidential task force plans for fall launch of initiatives

A team of students, faculty, 由校长蒂姆·福斯特任命的领导pp电子极速糖果“扭转种族主义”的工作人员和社区成员在成立以来的第一个月取得了重要进展.

“We have engaged in deep, heartfelt and at times very difficult conversations,” said President Foster, 指的是一些有色人种学生和员工在CMU和Grand Junction的第一次会议上表达他们的经历.

Aaron Howard, a senior majoring in business finance and a certificate in real estate, 是为CMU领导层提供建议并与管理层合作的委员会成员之一吗, 教职员工和社区成员,如GJPD局长Doug Shoemaker,创造持久的变化, more immediately, programming for this fall.

“转折点委员会正在进行艰难的话题对话,以确保我们有绝对的改变. 为了pp电子极速糖果的发展,我们正在做出艰难而有争议的决定. 我们坚持不懈地处理种族主义和社会不公的问题。.

一项正在进行的倡议是通过改编CMU公民论坛的开放工作室项目来扩大有色人种学生的声音和观点. 作为对冠状病毒大流行的首批居家令的回应,该计划于3月启动, 开放工作室通过记录信息和表演为校园提供了一个探索共享人性的平台. The adaptation — named "Let's Talk About It" — will invite students, faculty, 工作人员和社区成员就种族主义和/或庆祝美国黑人文化进行发人深省的对话和艺术表达.

"It will take many forms," said Ky Oday, 她是学生服务办公室的学生多样性协调员,也是扭转种族主义委员会的主席. "We will have people share personal stories; others may recite excerpts from famous speeches or provide historical context regarding systemic racism; faculty members will discuss efforts they're employing in the classroom and how they're adapting their curriculum — just to name a few," he added.


Tim Casey, PhD, professor of political science, and Kiana Peoples, PhD, professor of social work, 担任委员会成员,并协助聘请教师帮助搬迁校园, the community and the nation forward.

“在接下来的一年里,我们将让教师参与一系列正式和非正式的调查,以确定他们对多样性问题的参与程度, 最近几个月,正在采取行动反对种族主义和不公正的美国人提出了包容性和其他问题," said Casey.


“这项调查将找出他们已经在解决这些问题的方法,这些方法可以作为其他国家前进的榜样. Later, 我们将开发一种工具,帮助教师评估他们的项目和个别课程的课程,涉及多样性和包容性问题. 我们计划在未来的所有项目审查中加入一个关于多样性和包容性的部分," added Casey.

学生亚伦·里德和梅·马莫正在协助总统的特别工作组, 领导文化包容委员会的工作,并计划秋季的各种项目. 目前正在计划为即将入学和返校的非洲裔美国学生举办两场社交距离外的烧烤,以及黑人学生联盟成员和大章克森警察局之间的对话.

Reed, director of the student-led Cultural Inclusion Council noted, “我相信我们的社区领袖正在努力改善学生和GJPD的关系. 我也相信,文化共融委员会会与我们的会员和学生站在一起,确保彼此的安全."

Mamo, coordinator of the Black Student Alliance, added, "Although it's been a difficult summer, I've seen how the administration of CMU has stepped up to protect its BIPOC. Now more than ever, 社区是必要的,做到这一点的唯一途径是积极参与和与他人交往. 我鼓励校园里的黑人学生在来年加入BSA,并开始在校园建立一个持久的社区,让每个黑人学生都感到安全."

The Turning the Corner committee is also working to bring a speaker to campus this fall; exploring offering a course on American slavery; evaluating additional counseling staff for the student wellness center; exploring a book or text that the entire campus can read and discuss; hosting a series of meetings to ask uncomfortable questions and have the conversations needed to advance the mission; and evaluating changes to the police academy and criminal justice curriculum.

"We’re going to be very intentional with our efforts," said Liz Howell, acting vice president for student services. “正如我们正在应对COVID-19的威胁一样,我们也将应对顽固不化的种族主义和各种不容忍的威胁," she added.
